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Make your device Compatible with eSIM!

Empower your smartphone with effortless connectivity with a SIM card and app. Just insert SIM and activate the eSIM via the app and you're ready to go.

5ber eSIM

What can we bring to you


Enjoy eSIM Technology

eSIM-ify your devices! Experience the convenience of eSIM with5ber.eSIM. Say goodbye to the hassle of carrying multiple physical cards.


Manage multiple eSIM profiles

Install up to 15 profiles with one card. You can label and switch between eSIM profiles conveniently with just a few clicks.

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Enjoy Shore Access Esim

Buy Esim to Shore access that offer the best prices for different countries/regions. Just download them directly to your device using 5ber App


Switch devices at an instant

Transfer your eSIM profiles seamlessly across devices with no extra costs. Just insert it into another device and the new device can use activated eSIMs.

5ber.eSIM supports most models

*Only Android can manage eSIM plans


How to use 5ber.eSIM?


Insert 5ber.eSIM card

Plug the card into the SIM card slot of your device.


Download 5ber.eSIM App

Install the app and follow the instructions.


Download your eSIM

Scan the QR code of your eSIM and activate it via the app.

Where to get eSIM?

Purchase at SHORE ACCESS website


Single Country Plan

Regional Plans

200+ Data Plans

Available in 4G/5G

Purchase your 5ber eSIM now!


P 1,500.00 / $25

Unlimited downloads

eSIM downloads greater than 20 times with 5ber

Pay one-off for full service from 5ber

Download 5ber.eSIM app to connect with eSIM

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